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Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Jianchao's Comment on the New York Times Article on the Nuclear Issue on the Korean Peninsula
2005-03-08 00:00

Q: A resident journalist of the New York Times in Beijing published an article on the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula at the paper's website, alleging that China questioned US intelligence on the DPRK's nuclear capacity and rejected the relevant US requests. What's China's comment?

A: We have taken note of this article. The report is not true. We cannot understand why the author of the report took such an irresponsible attitude toward some solid and apparent facts. I'd like to reiterate that China is consistent and firm in its position on the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, namely, China advocates for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. We stand for peace and stability on the Peninsula. The nuclear issue must be solved through peaceful dialogue. All problems involving the nuclear issue on the Peninsula should and absolutely can be solved through talks.

As for the nuclear issue on the Peninsula, China has been keeping in contact, coordination and cooperation with the relevant parties including the US. It's obvious to all that we have made efforts to promote the Three-Party Talks in Beijing and three rounds of Six-Party Talks. China is willing to maintain and strengthen the coordination and cooperation with the relevant parties including the US.

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